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Spring 2020

Children of the Revolution

This term our topic is Children of the Revolution. This topic has a history focus and teaches children about the Victorian era. Throughout this topic we will develop our understanding of Victorian life including homes, schools, rich and poor, inventions and changes during this era. We will be carrying out scientific investigations using electricity and study print making in Art and Design.


Homework will continue to be given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday unless stated otherwise. Weekly homework will still be accompanied by the covering sheet to show all tasks that are to be completed. 



Our weekly timetable(available in the Meet The Teacher Presentation) remains the same (please see below). Some of the activities are subject to change due to visits, visitors, Inset days and unforeseen circumstances. n.b. Some changes have been made since the start of the Autumn Term.


Monday - Toot lessons with Miss Mainwaring

Tuesday - P.E. (Please ensure labelled P.E. kits are in school)

Wednesday - Choir

Thursday - Violin (Y4 children)

Friday - Spelling Test

                                   Art session with Mrs Burns
