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Spring Term 2020

Spring Term 2020

Cornerstones Topics: 'Carnival' and 'Pop-Up'




This project has an Expressive Arts focus and teaches children about carnival art from cultures around the world. 

Throughout this project, children will learn:
• About a range of carnivals and celebrations around the world;
• How to design and construct masks and headdresses;
• How colour, decoration and pattern is used in different cultures;
• About different cultures around the world;
• How to re-tell and write a range of stories from different cultures;
• How to make patterns using 2D and 3D shapes;
• How to work together and perform collectively.


Health and Well-being

Rights Respecting

Pupil voice

Look at recipes eaten at celebrations from around the world


Language, Literacy and Communication

Read Write Inc.

Letter formations and entry joins

Welsh vocabulary and songs

Studying stories from other cultures

Mathematics and Numeracy

Creating patterns

Expressive Arts

Music and singing

Listening to celebration songs

Science and technology

Using ICT to sources to study celebrations from around the world

Learning about other countries and their cultures


Chinese New Year





This project has a Science and Technology focus and teaches children how to make cards and books using simple mechanisms and a range of different materials. 

Throughout this project, children will learn:
• How to choose appropriate materials for a task;
• How to make joins, moving parts and mechanisms;
• How to design a product which is appropriate for the user;
• How to write a formal invitation;
• How to re-tell and sequence a traditional fairy tale;
• How to upload a digital photograph and use email.


Health and Well-being

Rights Respecting

Pupil voice


Language, Literacy and Communication

Read Write Inc.

Letter formations and entry joins

Welsh vocabulary and songs

Studying traditional fairy-tales

Mathematics and Numeracy

Looking at shapes



Expressive Arts

Music and singing

Creating cards, books and invitations

Science and technology

Creating shadow puppets

Creating moving mechanisms



Chinese New Year
