Croeso i'r Dosbarth Rabbit
Welcome to Rabbit Class
We are a mixed Reception/Year 1 class. Our class teacher is Miss Griffiths, the teaching assistants in our class are Miss Crocker, Miss Mathias, Mrs Cooze and Mrs Price.
Class Routines
We read twice weekly so please ensure that you bring your books to school with you every day.
Our Physical Development sessions are on a Tuesday. Please ensure that you wear your P.E. kit (tracksuit bottoms/leggings/suitable trousers, t-shirt/polo shirt, suitable footwear and their school jumper or cardigan) to school on a Tuesday.
Our homework is set on a Friday and is to be returned by the following Wednesday. Our homework tasks alternate between a Language/Literacy based task and a Mathematical/Numeracy based task.
Spring Term - Wonderful World
This term our topic is 'Wonderful World'. We generated ideas by watching videos and using images to think of questions that we would like find out the answers to. We thought of a variety of questions including -
How do flowers grow?
Why do owls fly at night?
How does the Earth spin around?
How do rainbows appear?
Why do rainbows have lots of colours?
Why does rain come from down from the sky?
Through our work in the Spring term we are hoping to find out the answers to these questions and lots more. We are looking forward to developing lots of different skills whilst working with our friends.
We are developing our skills across all of the Areas of Learning and Experience. Please see the photographs below to see how we are developing our skills.