Our topic this term is
Let Me Entertain You!
Dosbarth Frogs and Tadpoles have been:
- Enjoying dressing up and performing on our class stage
- Enjoying playing musical instruments
- Exploring mark-making implements and creating their own artwork
- Listening to music
- Looking at books and listening to stories
- Learning and performing Welsh songs
- Performing on a stage in front of an audience, such as during the school Eisteddfod
- Learning traditional Welsh dances
- Retelling our favourite stories, such as 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'
- Dressing up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day
- Drawing our favourite book characters using our touchscreen laptop and Hwb
- Creating our own bookmarkers with our Hwb login details
- Introduced to the characters from the Oxford Reading Tree scheme and have been learning their names
- Taking books home from our school Library to enjoy reading at home with their families
- Discussing what we enjoy to do, such as playing, reading, watching television and listening to music.