This term our topic is
'Wonderful World'.
This term we will be exploring the world around us and answering some of the big questions that the children wanted to find out about in our planning session at the end of last term. You can see these questions if you scroll down the page.
We will therefore be classifying animals and researching and exploring their life cycles and how they are suited to their environments.
We will also be finding out about different places around the world and making comparisons with our local area and Wales, using a range of maps and globes to locate places and researching different habitats and climates around the world. We will also be studying different ideas about how the world was created.
In literacy lessons we will be continuing to build on our reading and comprehension skills, having regular Read, Write, Inc group reading sessions. We will be writing postcards, poems, such as haikus and poetry using similes and metaphors, information leaflets for tourists, explanation texts about animal life cycles, as well as instructions on how to survive in the desert. We will also continue to extend our independent diary writing skills.
In numeracy lessons we will be continue to concentrate on number work - adding and subtracting, multiplication and division, fractions, place value, calculating money
totals and change, as well as weekly times tables speed tests. In addition to this, we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes, area of shapes, analogue and digital times, use of calendars, measuring weights and lengths, right angles and turns, as well as data handling and creating charts and graphs with varying scales. We will also be solving one-step and two-step problems, using basic algebra and using checking strategies.
We will also be continuing with our weekly violin lessons, weekly outdoor learning activities (Welly Wednesdays), regular PE sessions (yoga, dance, team games), as well as practising our Welsh language skills through 'Slot ddrilio'.
In creative arts sessions we will be exploring local Welsh landmarks in the style of Welsh artist, Martyn Evans, comparing different patterns used by Celtic and African artists, as well as designing digital artwork and posters.
Our Martyn Evans Artwork
We looked at artwork of Martyn Evans and how he uses bright colours in his paintings of Welsh houses and buildings.
We used oil pastels to draw our own pictures, using his style of artwork, and included local landmarks of Swansea and Mumbles. Can you recognise some of the buildings ?