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Summer Term 2020

Summer Term 2020

Cornerstones topic: 'Dens and Dandelions'


This project has a forest skills and Science and Technology focus. It teaches the children about plants, flowers, trees and creatures found in a woodland habitat. 

During this term, children will learn:
• About a woodland habitat and what lives and grows there;
• How to care for habitats and the environment;
• How to use design technology skills to make structures and prepare food;
• To work as part of a team.


Health and Well-being

Rights Respecting

Pupil voice

Outdoor experiences and games

Language, Literacy and Communication

Read Write Inc.

Letter formations and entry joins

Welsh vocabulary and songs

Writing simple reports and explanations

Mathematics and Numeracy

Recording and presenting information

Expressive Arts

Music and singing

Sounds of animals and different environments

Outdoor art

Science and technology

Use ICT to find and present

Habitats and living creatures

Caring for the environment


Using maps

Studying the local woodland area
