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Spring Term 2020

SPRING TERM: Dates for your diary

Wednesdays - Welly Wednesdays - children need to bring coats and wellies.

Thursdays - Kerbcraft - children need to bring a coat as they will be going outside and practising road safety procedures.

Thursdays - PE - gymnastics - a change of T-shirt/shorts required.

Thursdays - homework and spellings set. Homework to be handed in by the following Monday. Spellings will be practised in their handwriting session.


Class Assembly - this will take place on Thursday 30th January (more information to follow).

Fairytale Day - this will take place on Monday 20th January. Children can come dressed as their favourite fairytale character and will participate in a range of fairytale activities during the day. 

This term our topic is Pop-Up .

This project has a design technology focus and teaches children how to make cards and books using simple mechanisms and a range of different materials. At the heart of this project children will learn how to write and re-tell traditional fairy tales and many of our activities will be related to traditional tales.
